Introducing Responsible Innovation Labs

Today’s technology will have an outsized impact on the future of society. It can help solve our hardest problems or make them worse. Many--even most--companies want to do the right thing and improve life on this planet. But how? What are the best ideas and practices? That’s where RI Labs comes in.
Jon Zieger, Diede van Lamoen, and Hemant Taneja
December 6, 2021

Introducing RILabs

We started Responsible Innovation Labs to help technology founders and leaders shape a better industry for the benefit of society.

More than ever, the world needs -- and increasingly demands -- ambitious technologies that improve life on this planet while avoiding harmful unintended consequences. “Responsible innovation” is the way to build great, mission-driven companies that can deliver such beneficial technologies.

RI Labs is a non-profit, joined and supported by world-class leaders from all across the economy and tech industry as well as academia and philanthropy. We believe the path to a better tech industry is to develop and make available useful tools, standards and best practices for innovating responsibly and promoting accountability through transparency.   

We certainly aren’t the only organization working on how to build a better technology industry. In academia, government, media and industry, few topics are now getting more attention. But there remains a significant gap between talk and practice.